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AIWC Volunteer

The Intelligence of Magpies

By Courtney Collins Black-billed magpies (Pica hudsonia) are found throughout Alberta and much of western Canada.1 While many regard these birds as pests, often due

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AIWC Volunteer

Ospreys and their recovery

by Courtney Collins Ospreys (Pandion haliaetus) can be found across Canada during the summer breeding season. Ospreys are migratory and can travel over 250,000 km

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AIWC Volunteer

Swallows in Alberta

by Marissa Hansen Alberta is home to a diverse array of wildlife. Among the many avian residents of this province, swallows stand out as fascinating

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AIWC Volunteer

Winter Backyard Birds

by Carley Goodreau A sure sign that winter is coming are flocks of birds migrating south to escape the cold. Each year we say goodbye

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AIWC Volunteer

Accipiters and Falcons

by Courtney Collins There are five groups that make up the birds-of-prey species; these include Accipiter hawks, Buteo hawks, eagles, falcons, and vultures. Eagles and

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